A WINDOW cleaning business has a brighter outlook since securing a shopping centre contract.

Royale Window Cleaners has had the window cleaning contract at Durham's Prince Bishops shopping centre since it opened four years ago, during which its owner and manager, Keith Dawson, has built up an excellent relationship with the centre management. So when a new contract came up for extra cleaning duties, he was the first choice.

Mr Dawson has formed a new division of the company, Royale Contract Cleaners, which looks after the centre's malls and car parking facilities. He has transferred four of the existing cleaning team to it and recruited a further three staff.

He said: "This is a very exciting and challenging new venture for me.

"Prince Bishops has given me the opportunity to both expand and diversify the business."

Centre manager Peter Bennion said: "We are delighted to be working with a local company and to have been instrumental in the expansion of Keith's business."