THE latest volume in a series of books dedicated to brasses was launched at the weekend.

The Monumental Brass Society is compiling and publishing a definitive list of figure brasses, inscriptions, indents and lost brasses to be found in the UK's ecclesiastical buildings.

It has already published illustrated volumes covering the historic counties of Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland and Westmorland; Derbyshire, Devonshire and Dorset.

The Bishop of Durham, the Right Reverend Michael Turnbull, helped to launch the latest in the series, covering County Durham, in the Prior's Hall of Durham Cathedral on Saturday.

To publicise the book, called The Monumental Brasses of County Durham, society members Patrick Farman and Peter Hacker arranged an exhibition of brass rubbings reproduced in it in the Galilee Chapel of Durham Cathedral, on Saturday.

A society spokesman said: "The County Durham volume will form a particularly important aid to people concerned with the study of monumental brasses and family history."

The book and other volumes in the series can be obtained by sending a cheque for £15 plus £2.50 postage and packing per copy to the Monumental Brass Society, Lowe Hill House, Stratford St Mary, Suffolk, CO7 6JX.