A wildlife group is encouraging photographers of all ages and ability to take shots of the best and worst of Coatham Marsh wetlands nature reserve, at Redcar.

The reserve, which attracts surprise migrant bird visitors such as phalaropes and egrets survives in the shadow of the Corus steel blast furnace and rolling mill, in Warrenby.

Improvements are in hand at the reserve such as a new car park, gateway feature and extended board walks and interpretation boards on the reserve itself.

Steve Ashton, education officer with the Tees Valley Wildlife Trust, said: "The wildlife site at South Gare is one of the best for migrant birds. You can also photograph orchids against the backdrop of industry.

"People will come along and celebrate in pictures what we have got now and things that need changing. We can use the snaps to see how to go forward and to see what needs changing.''

The best photographs could be added to a national Snapshot of Britain website to create a map of the best and worst of Britain's local environment. To take part, meet in the car park in Tod Point Road, on Friday, at 10am.

Cameras and film will be provided and a photographer and wildlife expert will be on hand.