MORE than 200 people have objected to plans to erect a 20m mobile phone mast.

O2, on behalf of Cleveland Police, has applied to Stockton Borough Council for permission to put up the mast at the North Eastern Iron Refining Co, Stillington, near Stockton.

The council has received a petition from 217 residents in Stillington, Wynyard, Carlton and Redmarshall, who are concerned about the proposal.

A report to the council's planning committee, which meets on Friday, said: "Tele-communications are an important industry sector and employ many people, in this particular case part of an essential infrastructure upon which other businesses, services, individuals and ultimately lives will depend.

"The location of the proposed mast is acceptable, other locations have been examined by the operator as not feasible, and the site is a reasonable distance away from the main residential area and school."