Campaign for more cash

North-East councillors are urging the Government to pump more cash into the region. Gateshead Borough Council and Blaydon MP John McWilliam are lobbying for a fairer deal when it comes to local government funding. They say the system of standard spending assessments, used by Whitehall to work out how much cash an authority is given, does not take into account the most deprived areas.

ROMAN ANTICS: Youngsters will be on the march as part of the Roman legions later this month. Jeff Barnett returns to Chesters Roman Fort, near Chollerford, Northumberland, on Sunday, August 18, to show visitors the life of a Roman soldier on Hadrian's Wall. Young volunteers will be kitted out with weapons and armour and drilled in marching and battle tactics. For details, contact (01434) 681379.

CHARITY SALE: A table top sale in aid of Willowburn Hospice takes place in Consett Parish Church Hall on Saturday, September 28, from 10am to noon. Tables are available priced £3. To book, contact (01207) 502517.

ACCORDION PLAYS: The David Scott Accordion Band from Peebles makes its first appearance at Castleside Working Men's Club, near Consett, on Thursday, August 27 at 7.30pm. Admission is £1.50 at the door or free to musicians wanting to take part. For details, call the Derwentside Accordion Club secretary on (01207) 506646.

ART TALKS: Art historian Marie-Therese Russell gives an illustrated talk on the history of art at the Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle, on Monday, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The free event is open to children aged ten or over.

CLOWNING AROUND: Youngsters can make a clown mask and have it painted on their faces at the Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle, today from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The event, run by artist Sarah Black, is free.

MAKING MAGIC: Artist Helen Orr will be showing youngsters how to make magical books and boxes at the Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle, tomorrow, 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm. Admission is free.

FUCHSIA SHOW: More than 300 blooms will compete for the title of most perfect fuchsia this month. The Northumberland Fuchsia Society holds its annual show on Saturday, and Sunday, August 17 and 18, at Belsay Hall. For further details, contact (01661) 881636.

Police blueprint: Senior Sunderland police officers are to attend a public meeting in a bid to draw up anti-crime plans. Sunderland West's Superintendent Jim Campbell will be among the top officers meeting residents at New Silksworth Junior School on Tuesday at 7pm to discuss plans for the future policing of the area.

August break: There will be no ward surgery held in the Dawdon Miners Welfare Centre,during August. The next opportunity for Dawdon residents to meet with their district councillors Joe Goodwin, Frank Shaw and Charles Walker will be on Monday, September 16 between 6pm and 7pm