WORKERS at a doomed cement plant have decided to go out in style - with a Christmas dinner and all the trimmings.

Today, Blue Circle employees at Eastgate, in Weardale, County Durham, will tuck into turkey, Christmas pud and mince pies as a final farewell to the works, which closes on Friday.

It's a dinner that the workforce at the plant have enjoyed in the staff canteen for the past 37 years .

French conglomerate Lafarge, which took over Blue Circle, announced the Eastgate closure in June.

Works manager Peter Greenho said last night: "The idea was put forward by our canteen ladies and we were happy to go along with it."

On the menu will be three starters, fresh Turkey and all the trimmings, Christmas pudding, sherry triffle and mince pies. There will also be a Christmas tree, crackers and fancy hats.

Kath Dobson, who has helped run the canteen at Blue Circle for more than 19 years, said: "We are determined to make this a very special occasion.

"Christmas dinner at Blue Circle has always been a bit special and we thought it was only right that the workers should not miss out this year, of all years, because of the closure."

It is expected that about 60 of the 147 workers employed at Blue Circle when the closure was announced will attend the lunch. Some are on holiday and others have accepted jobs at other Lafarge plants.

"It's got all the makings of a smashing Christmas dinner - but I suspect it's also going to be a very tearful one," said Mrs Dobson.

"We will never see anything like it again here at Eastgate."