PLANS to use a house as a childminding business are likely to be rejected.

Stockton Borough Council has received a planning application to use part of a house, in Fairfield Road, Stockton, as a childminding business for 12 children.

The house would be used as a business from 8am to 6pm, but be a family home at other times. At present, it is in use for up to six children.

However, the council's planning committee has been asked to refuse the new plans because of concerns over the noise and disturbance to neighbouring properties.

A report to a committee meeting, which takes place on Friday, says: "Nobody is denying there is a need for childminders within the borough, especially with the emphasis on encouraging mothers to return to work.

"However, this is a semi-detached house in a residential area with a busy road to the front.

"The use of the property for the childminding of 12 children is unreasonable in this location, and becomes more akin to a private nursery.

"The amenity of the neighbours will be adversely affected, especially with regards to the noise.

"The plan is therefore recommended for refusal."