A ROADSHOW offering dog owners subsidised or free microchipping has taken to the streets of Chester-le-Street.

Dog lovers will be able to get their pets chipped so that they can be identified and returned if they go missing.

The National Canine Defence League (NCDL) is offering the service free to pensioners and people on benefit - they must take proof - and charging the subsidised rate of £9.50 to other owners.

The scheme is supported by Chester-le-Street District Council whose leader, Malcolm Pratt, said: "Microchipping dogs not only creates a win-win situation for the dog and its owner, but it also shows the council's commitment to support worthy initiatives in our district."

The NCDL recommends that all dogs are vaccinated and will not chip any puppy under 12 weeks old unless it has had its jabs.

The roadshow visited Sacriston yesterday and today and will be at the Gibside Shops car park, Chester-le-Street from 1pm to 7pm.

Tomorrow it will be at the Arlington Close Shops car park, Bournmoor, from 10am to 4pm.

On Friday it will be at Ouston WMC car park, Brecon Place, Perkinsville, from 10am to 4pm and on Saturday at Waldridge Fell car park, Waldridge Road, Waldridge, between 10am and 2pm.

For details call (0845) 666 3036