BIG Brother runner-up Jonny Regan has been dishing the dirt on the other housemates.

The 29-year-old of Trimdon Station appeared on Century FM's Goffy in the Morning show to tell all about his time in the house.

The County Durham firefighter poured cold water on tabloid claims that he is clinically depressed and that he had gone AWOL from the fire brigade.

He told Paul "Goffy" Gough he was planning to take a break from the service for a few months, but had been asked to front a National Fire Safety Campaign.

Speaking about the other housemates, Jonny said Alex was "a big girl's blouse who wouldn't know a personality if it slapped him across the face".

Of Sandy, he said: "I hate his guts."

And of Tim: "He's mind-numbingly boring."

Jonny also did an impression of Adele and told how the housemates were tipped off about her back-stabbing by people throwing balls over the wall with the words "Adele must die" scrawled on them.