TWO brothers took the law into their own hands when they assaulted a landlord who had been involved in a bar fracas which killed their friend.

Trevor Draycott, 31, of Longfield Road, and Gary Draycott, 22, of Cumberland Street, both Darlington, were upset after their close friend, David Willis, suffered serious injuries in the incident at the Rise Carr Hotel pub in Darlington.

Two days after he was hurt the pair entered the bar and assaulted landlord Steven Webb, who had been involved in an altercation with family man, Mr Willis, 51, of William Street, Darlington on May 18.

Darlington magistrates heard that feelings were running high on Rise Carr estate following the fracas.

At the time, Mr Willis was in Middlesbrough General Hospital suffering from a fractured skull. He died three days later and Mr Webb was charged with his manslaughter.

Dave Walton, prosecuting, said: "On the day in question, Mr Webb was working in the bar. At approximately 3.30pm he was sat with customers and his wife and daughter. The two defendants walked into the bar, approached him and altercated with Mr Webb. He was assaulted by both parties witnessed by his wife and child. It was reported to police and the men said they were defending themselves from attack from the bar manager."

Both brothers pleaded guilty to an offence of common assault.

Defending the pair, Rory Todd said: "Feelings were running high at the time. Mr Webb had been involved shortly before that in an incident with a gentleman who later died. The gentleman was close friends of the Draycott family.

"Trevor and Gary had gone in to see Mr Webb to confront him about that. They accept they went to see Mr Webb and things got out of hand."

Magistrates sitting at the court told the pair that it would have been far better if they had stayed away from the pub despite their feelings.

The brothers were ordered to pay £100 each in compensation to Mr Webb and £100 each costs.

Charges against Mr Webb were later dropped due to insufficient evidence