A COUNCIL is using the latest technology to thwart thieves targeting its sites.

Thefts of saws, generators and compressors from Durham County Council have increased in recent months, with £25,000 worth of stock taken since June.

Now the council's Service Direct department is daubing each piece of its £4m-worth of equipment with DNA marking.

SmartWater is invisible and virtually impossible to remove, yet glows brightly under ultra-violet light. Its DNA signature allows forensic laboratories to trace ownership back to Service Direct.

More than 250 items have been marked with the paint in a bid to thwart the thieves who are taking greater risks to land their loot.

Service Direct operations manager Dave Thorman said: "On one occasion, a workman was approached by a man and threatened with violence if he didn't hand over his Stihl saw.

"In recent weeks thieves have attacked metal secure stores and offices with burning gear to get to equipment inside.

"It must have taken them some time to do this.''

Burglar alarms are also being installed in all offices. Global Positioning Satellite systems will soon be operational on all Service Direct vehicles, making them much easier to trace if stolen.

The council is informing police where work gangs are operating so they can keep a closer eye on equipment out of hours.

Mr Thorman added: "There is a huge amount of inconvenience every time we have a theft.

"We can't get on with the job until the police have finished their initial investigation and we get replacement equipment, so an awful amount of time can be lost.

"SmartWater has been a very successful deterrent in other parts of the country, so hopefully, combined with the other measures we are taking, we can beat the crooks.''