A BRIDE and groom-to-be were viciously beaten by a gang in a park attack.

The group beat and kicked James Barber, his 18-year-old fiancee and her younger brother while they were on a rollerskating trip in Darlington's South Park.

A 20-year-old man, wearing novelty contact lenses, also screamed abuse at his victims, calling them "freaks" who "deserved to be put down" and said he would kill them.

Mr Barber, 25, said he feared for their lives when the group, aged between 17 and 20, launched the unprovoked attack.

He was on rollerblades, with fiancee Emma Szymik and her brother Kenny, 15, in the park's skating rink on Saturday, at about 7.30pm, when they were approached by a group of seven youths, including two girls.

Mr Barber, of Westmorland Street, Darlington, said: "The oldest member of the group started shouting abuse at us.

"He threw a punch which hit Emma in the face. We hadn't provoked him at all. Then he just started hitting me in the face."

Kenny was punched and kicked in the face and Miss Szymik kicked repeatedly in the stomach by the gang.

"Eventually, we managed to get away when someone came and tried to break it up, but as we got away I was still getting punched from behind," said Mr Barber, who has been left with a broken cheekbone, broken finger and swollen ear.

He needs an operation to repair the crushed facial bones and has been prescribed morphine for the pain. Miss Szymik and Kenny were left bruised and battered.

A police spokesman said: "This was a particularly vicious attack. We have some positive lines of inquiry and we believe we know who was responsible, but other information from the public would help us."

Anyone with information about the attack is asked to contact Darlington police on (01325) 742108/742155 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.