POLICE have renewed an appeal for help in tracing a man who has been missing since March.

Edward Donnelly, 52, has not been seen for 18 weeks since he left the home he shares with his sister in Fynway, Sacriston, near Chester-le-Street, County Durham.

The last sighting of him was on the same day, March 25, when an acquaintance saw him walking along the A167 road near the Red Lion pub, at Plawsworth.

A police helicopter searched the East Coast Main Line in the area and rescue teams have joined police in searching the surrounding countryside, but without success.

Inspector Jane Spraggen said: "Mr Donnelly's family are desperate to hear from him, or from someone who may have seen him.

"It is totally out of character for Mr Donnelly to stay away from home and as time goes by fears for his safety grow.''

Mr Donnelly was described as 5ft 8in, of proportionate build with a pale complexion and mousy brown hair in a short back and sides style.

He was last seen wearing a three-quarter length dark green hooded waxed jacket, beige shirt, grey, orange and black jumper, black jeans and black trainers.

Police said he usually walked with his hood up, hands in his pocket and his head bowed.

Anyone with information about Mr Donnelly is asked to call Chester-le-Street police station on 0191-388 4311.