A man who was spared jail after committing a series of road traffic offences was behind bars yesterday for "flouting" a court order.

Brian Robson, 20, received a drug testing and treatment order in March last year after being convicted of a number of driving matters.

The offences included aggravated vehicle taking, driving while disqualified, failure to stop, failure to report an accident, having no insurance, no licence, and theft.

But he was back before Newcastle Crown Court yesterday to be re-sentenced after failing to comply with the order and failing to turn up for appointments.

A number of offences commited this year also came to light, including stealing 20 watches from the Millgate Unit in Durham on April 5.

He burgled a shed in East Rainton in May and took a tool box valued at £50.

In June he stole a pair of £25 tracksuit bottoms from a neighbour's washing line.

The court heard that the drug treatment order worked to the extent that he has stayed clear of drugs since December 2001.

But Judge Esmond Faulks revoked the order and sentenced him to a year in custody.

Robson, of Woodland View, West Rainton, County Durham, had pleaded guilty to all matters.