A HIGH profile campaign to prevent road accidents involving horses on North Yorkshire's roads has been launched.

The British Horse Society (BHS) is targeting motorists in an effort to encourage them to slow down when driving along country roads.

"As part of the campaign, car stickers have been produced aimed at reducing horse-related road accidents," said a spokesman.

"A total of 70,000 stickers will be distributed free with British Horse Magazine and other equestrian titles. Each sticker comes with a road safety questionnaire for the BHS, which has been designed to gather information to help the ongoing campaign.

"Riders are also being encouraged to take their BHS riding and road safety test, which gives riders a greater awareness of traffic dangers and how to avoid or handle difficult situations if they have to negotiate roads."

Susanne Aitken, who owns Home Farm Riding Stables, at Langton, near Malton, said she was keen to get the message out to motorists.

"Drivers from the cities are the main problem - a lot of them don't seem to understand the need to drive slowly," she said.

"They will drive at 60mph on small roads and I shudder to think what happens when they come across some horse riders."