A flower show created to give Northern gardeners a fair chance of competing against their southern counterparts has bloomed into the country's top autumn show - and is set to attract 35,000 visitors.

Harrogate's Autumn Flower Show, at the Great Yorkshire Showground is being held from September 13 to 15.

The show, along with its Harrogate spring event, was begun to give a boost to the region's gardeners, who felt they faced unfair competition against rivals from warmer areas, at the Royal Horticultural Shows in London.

"It was felt they were at a great disadvantage because, in the North they had to cope with late springs, early frosts and sometimes what seemed more than their fair share of rain," said a society official.

For many, the Harrogate spring event and autumn extravaganza mark the beginning and end of the show season which takes in Chelsea, Hampton Court and Tatton Park.

At the Harrogate show, there will be more than 90 horticultural nurseries taking part.

Tickets cost £10 on the gate. For a £2 discount on advance bookings, call the ticket hotline on 0870 758 3333.