A GROUP of archery fans have moved to a new home - but want to move again.

Plans to construct several buildings on land at Oxmoor Lane, Sowerby, for Thirsk Bowmen were recently thwarted.

The club, which has a growing membership, submitted a plan to Hambleton District Council for the change of use of existing agricultural land into an archery ground.

After the plan was turned down as being unsuitable, the club moved to Baldsby Park, on a field behind Queen Mary School, Topcliffe.

Future plans will now have to be submitted to Harrogate Borough Council.

"At the moment we are just pleased that we have been given use of this land," said a club spokesman.

"It is not viable to build here, so ideally, we are still on the lookout for a suitable piece of land on which to realise our dreams."

Meanwhile, fundraising for any future building will go on among the 45-member club.