HEALING practitioners and reiki masters will be attending an open day at a North-East complementary health centre next weekend.

The Remedies centre, in Darlington, is holding the event next Saturday.

The centre's manager, Clive Hall, said: "Reiki is excellent for people of all ages who are suffering from a wide range of ailments.

"The day provides an excellent opportunity for people to sample this form of treatment and to find out how it is able to be used in their everyday lives.

"On the day, people will be able to walk in off the street and be treated without appointment. They will also have the chance to talk with international reiki master Chris Marsh, one of the country's leading authorities on the subject, and it is all free."

Bookings for treatments can be made in the advance by calling at the centre at 11 Duke Street, Darlington, or by calling (01325) 286445.