REGRETTABLY the countryside is having to call again, in force, on Westminster on September 22. This is entirely MPs' own fault: the only interest most of them appear to show in the countryside is in trying to force an unjust hunting ban through Parliament.

Such a measure would not help a single rural (or urban) family and would harm many. It would also harm, not help, animal welfare. Meanwhile most MPs show little intent to tackle the key threats to rural life, such as the collapse in farm prices, the disintegration of rural services or the near-inaffordablity of local housing for many rural families.

This has served only to compound rural people's views of The House of Commons as a place whose ruling politicians neither understand nor care about the real crisis in rural Britain.

The theme of the Countryside Alliance's massive September march for the countryside is 'Liberty and Livelihood'. Its purpose is to demand that Government commits itself to defending the right of rural people to live their lives responsibly in the way they choose; to safeguard rural people from prejudiced attacks on hunting with dogs and all other field sports; to respect the values and customs of rural communities; to ensure any laws directed at rural people have their consent; and to address the real problems of the countryside which are destroying its communities, its culture and its children's future.

Here in the North-East we are well underway with preparations for the event, with a number of transport organisers in place. It should send a signal of rural solidarity and resolve that it will be next to impossible for any responsible Government to ignore. - Richard Dodd, Countryside Alliance Regional Director, North-East.

JOHN Bryant (HAS, Aug 14) raises interesting points. If, as the Government proposes, hunting foxes with dogs is outlawed, there can be no doubt that the vulpine population will increase.

There is already concern about the number of foxes seen in urban areas, and recent reports of a small child being savaged by a fox in the presumed safety of its own home, must increase this concern, especially among parents and grandparents.

Is it, therefore, Mr Bryant's proposal that running snares should be set in urban gardens also, with their attendant risk to domestic animals and, of course, children? Does he also propose that licences should be issued to shoot foxes in urban areas?

Before the Government acts, these issues must be urgently addressed. Gut reactions frequently lead to disaster, as we know in the recent foot-and-mouth epidemic.

An informed public debate, with all sides free to put forward their views in a neutral environment is needed, not emotional outbursts in various branches of the media.

Lest anyone should ask, I do not, and have never, hunted, nor shot, nor fished. - E Steele, Staindrop.


I HOPE those who ask us not to criticise Durham County Cricket Club were at the Riverside to witness proceedings on Friday and Saturday.

What's the point of having nine local players in a defeat like that. They learn nothing except how to get beat.

Durham need to spend money on at least two experienced English - not overseas players - to lead the youngsters. The overseas players can then win you games.

It appears the chairman and some of the board are only interested in getting Test matches at the Riverside.

What we, the supporters, want is a decent cricket team first. I have supported Durham for 14 years and the present team is the worst I have seen.

I think it is time our director of cricket considered his position. He has been there, in one post or another, for ten years and we have not improved. - John Todd, Cassop.


AS EU directives now come in thick and fast and start to affect customer freedom more and more, rather than just affecting the 'other side of the counter', I am sure that it will not be long before an enraged British public calls for an end to this interference by this corrupt, unaccountable bureaucracy.

Perfumiers have been told that they face prosecution if they do not reveal their 'hidden ingredients'. The commercial success of any perfume depends on a whiff of mystery, and a spritz of romance. To have it plastered with health warnings would negate that effect as well as opening the floodgates for counterfeiters.

The second directive, which will affect over five million regular users, is the Food Supplement Directive which will outlaw perfectly safe vitamins, minerals and herbs.

Hopefully more and more people are now waking up to the threat that the EU and our inept politicians are doing to our freedom and democracy.

The Metric Martyrs case was the first alarm bell to ring for all. If we are to survive as a nation the people must regain control over their centres of power. - Neil Herron, Sunderland.


ISN'T it a fact that under the current system that masquerades for justice, the despicable people who have committed the horrendous crime of murdering those two little girls will receive the best of treatment when they are eventually incarcerated?

Instead of the noose, which is what they should have to look forward to, they will be provided with a room each, free TV, free educational courses, free sports facilities and free food for the rest of their lives.

What a country we now live in. Completely let down by the so-called people who know what's best for us, and let down mostly by the members of the Law Society who are the biggest contributors to the lawless society we now have.

They have hijacked the human rights legislation in their constant endeavours to ensure criminals very rarely receive their just desserts. - C Ward, Spennymoor.