THE Chester-le-Street swimming club star Stephanie Proud is continuing to make waves.

Stephanie followed up her terrific performances at the national age group championships when she won six individual titles and set two British junior records, with two junior gold medals at the British short course championships in Cambridge.

As well as her two junior titles, in the women's 100 and 200 metres backstroke, Stephanie collected a senior silver for her second place in the 200 backstroke and a senior bronze for coming third in the 100 backstroke.

In the 200 backstroke, Stephanie finished second to Commonwealth champion Sarah Price, and had the satisfaction of beating Commonwealth bronze medal winner Katy Sexton.

Stephanie has now been selected for the British team to compete in the World Cup events coming up in China and Australia.

She flies out at the end of November to compete in Shanghai and Melbourne. That will be followed by a two week training camp at Australia's Gold Coast.

Accompanying Stephanie will be her coach, Chester-le-Street ASC chief coach Kevin Renshaw, who has been appointed to take charge of the World Cup squad for the next two meets.

This is the first senior international appointment for Renshaw, who has previously been in charge of the GB junior squad.

Stephanie's older brother David Proud is also making a name for himself in international competition.

He has switched to open water swimming, and proved himself in finishing fifth overall and the first Briton home in a 10,000 metre open water swim in Nottingham last month.

This has led to David being selected to compete in Atlantic City in the USA.

"Stephanie and David are continuing to improve," said Renshaw.