TAXI drivers could be about to bring chaos to the region's rail network with a mass strike.

Hundreds of cabbies are furious at what they claim is poor treatment at the hands of GNER and Taxibank UK, the national private hire firm which has the franchise for the East Coast Main Line.

Union chiefs say the dispute could lead to industrial action at nine stations - including Darlington, Dur-ham, Newcastle and York - along Britain's most important railway line.

The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU) has also been sounding out London's cabbies about the possibility of boycotting King's Cross as a show of support for colleagues.

Central London branch secretary of the TGWU, Eddie Lambert, said: "There are 24,000 taxi drivers in London and King's Cross would be the jewel in the crown as regards any action."

Station cabbies in Darlington have been withholding payments for permits because of alleged unreason- able demands over costs.

A legal dispute between the two parties broke out, with solicitors called in to resolve the row.

Mr Lambert said: "We have support from drivers all the way down the line.

"We wish to go about this in a perfectly legitimate way but, as and when necessary, we will hit King's Cross.

"Action may need to be taken because there are people out to destroy the Hackney trade."

He also claimed that drivers in Newcastle had written to GNER bosses, warning that the present hostile atmosphere could not continue.

However, a spokesman for GNER said: "There are some parties that have a bigger agenda.

"But as far as we are concerned, we are all about trying to raise service standards at our train stations and that includes taxis as well. I don't see why there should be any threat of action."