A MEDIEVAL castle will be the unlikely setting for a modern business challenge for students from local schools tomorrow.

For the second year running Raby Castle, in County Durham, is joining forces with Teesdale and Staindrop Comprehensive Schools to launch the Raby Castle Marketing Challenge.

Year 11 business studies students from the two schools will become Raby Castle events managers for the day.

Catherine Turnbull, Raby Castle's marketing supervisor, will set the challenge after the group has visited the castle to assess possible locations for staging events.

After selecting the event they wish to host, such as an open air Proms in the Park, a charity Christmas banquet, a piano recital or a large scale open-air pop concert, the students will be asked to prepare and present a proposal to gain approval to stage an event at the castle.

The proposal must include a marketing plan, details of promotional techniques and timings, and evidence of income and expenditure.

Miss Turnbull said: "I feel that it is vital for the students of today to be given the opportunity to experience business and marketing activities outside the classroom.

"It is especially good that Raby Castle can assist in providing an exciting, but realistic challenge."

Alison Carr, teacher of business studies at Staindrop Comprehensive School, said: "I would like to thank Catherine and Raby Estates for providing the opportunity for our students to gain an experience of planning a major event - I am a great believer in learning by doing."