PEOPLE in County Durham and Darlington interested in working for their local health trust are being invited to a jobs fair.

The Job Shop scheme is part of a national NHS recruitment drive and County Durham and Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust was keen to take part.

Staff from a range of departments, including human resources, training and development, nurse management, allied health professionals and specialist services, will be at the Job Shop to offer help and advice to anyone considering a career in the NHS.

The Job Shop will be held next Thursday, from 3pm to 9pm, in seminar rooms one and two at the County Hospital, Durham.

Sue Canning, director of human resources at the trust, said: "Last year we held an autumn jobs fair at the County Hospital and it was really successful.

"We had more than 70 people who attended who were keen to receive information about suitable jobs in the trust. The aim of the campaign is simply to highlight the vast range of jobs and careers available in the NHS generally and to encourage current staff to take part and talk to potential new recruits about their job.

"What we found last year was that people were surprised at the variety of jobs available within our own trust and the varying complex needs of the people we serve."

For further information contact Adele Cairns on 0191-333 6597.