PUPILS at four Wear Valley schools have joined a £40m initiative to boost culture and creativity.

As part of the Creative Partnerships scheme, based at the Arts Council of England, schoolchildren will work with a host of organisations to broaden their education.

Long-term relationships will be created between schools and organisations such as architects, theatre companies, museums, and dance and music studios to introduce youngsters to new experiences.

Children will get the chance to work in creative situations they may not have tried before, such as fashion design, radio and television writing and choreography.

Teachers will also benefit from and learn new ways of working creatively in the classroom.

To coincide with the national launch last Wednesday, Wearhead Primary School, one of the smallest schools featured, held its own event to mark the occasion.

Its 37 pupils were joined by American song and dance group Amidons. Teacher Karen Evans said: "We're pleased to be part of the creative partnership so wanted to celebrate it ourselves, the children got to be part of the stories told by the group through music and drama."

Other schools in the area already chosen to take part in the project are Wolsingham School and Technology College, Peases West Primary in Billy Row, and Bishop Barrington Comprehensive in Bishop Auckland.

Prime Minister Tony Blair said of the initiative: "I believe we live in the most creative country in the world. But to keep that creativity alive in the future, we have to engage every generation, to pass on old skills and to help them learn new ones."