THOUSANDS of North-East firefighters will today take the next step towards industrial action.

Ballot papers are being sent to fire service staff throughout the region asking them whether they want to take part in strike action as part of their dispute over pay.

The secret ballot, being organised by the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), could see action begin as soon as October 25.

An estimated 2,700 North-East firefighter's are being balloted from 52,000 across the country.

Last night, regional FBU chairman Steve Gregg said: "I am absolutely certain there will be an overwhelming yes vote in favour of action.

"We have put up with low pay for years and years, and it is time we were paid more."

The FBU want the average firefighters wage to be increased from £21,531 to £30,000.

They have rejected a four per cent offer from their employers, tied in with a wide- ranging review of the fire service.

Mr Gregg, who is based in Middlesbrough, said negotiations between the two sides had stalled.

And he took a side-swipe at the Government's contingency plans which will see servicemen and women manning 1950s vintage Green Goddess fire tenders on the streets should firefighters strike.

The Northern Echo reported earlier this week how as many as one in three calls to the emergency service could be missed should a limited makeshift force be drafted in.

The union has urged all members to vote yes for strike action citing a "tradition of poor pay" in the fire service.

Said Mr Gregg: "With all respect to the squaddies, having them doing our job is like asking us to invade Iraq."

The result of the FBU ballot is due to be announced on October 18.