A SCHOOL in North Yorkshire has hit a twins peak. Romanby Primary has no fewer than four sets of twins in its reception class.

Jack and Oliver Kilding and Katie and Sophie Coton, who are identical, joined Molly-Ann and Kristopher Wymer and Emily and Jack Barugh for their first taste of school life earlier this month.

As head teacher Jeff Featonby says: "There can't be many schools with four sets of twins all at once. This is very unusual and certainly a first for us."

Class teacher, Barbara Hanna, has to have a little help from the parents as she gets used to telling the identical twins apart.

"The parents have been great," she said. "They help me by dressing the boys in different coloured shirts and cutting one of the girls' hair a little shorter than her sister's.

"It is hard for me with the identical twins as I haven't had time to get to know their personalities yet. But I am sure all this will work out."

The other pupils in the class of 29 are taking it all in their stride.

"Children are very accepting at this age and no-one is singled out. The twins are just part of the class," said Mrs Hanna, who is helped by classroom assistant, Alison Foster.

"They are all special and individual."

But even at this stage, the identical twins are all quiet and reserved while the other four are more outgoing - and none seems particularly to identify with the other sets.

Mrs Hanna makes a point of splitting up the twins for their working groups. "It is important they develop relationships with other children rather than their siblings," she said.