ONE of the country's best-loved store chains is considering opening branches in the region.

Marks and Spencer has confirmed that it is considering a number of locations nationwide for new stores, including Ripon and Northallerton.

The stores would be welcomed in both communities, with hopes that they would draw new shoppers in from further afield.

The company is believed to be interested in three units in Ripon.

In Northallerton, news of the Marks and Spencer interest follows a recent decision by the Laura Ashley store chain to open a shop in South Parade. It is felt that a Marks and Spencer store would further enhance the town.

Northallerton Mayor Councillor Jack Dobson, said: "M&S have a certain cachet and would hopefully encourage similar stores to take occupancy here. On top of the new Laura Ashley, it would really secure Northallerton's position on the map as the county town of North Yorkshire."

Marks and Spencer is interested in two units on the town's High Street. Chamber of Trade chairman Jim Turnball said: "Clearly there is a lot of potential here. The name has a certain credibility attached to it and would bring people into Northallerton who would usually go shopping to York or Darlington."

A Marks and Spencer spokesman said: "We are looking nationally at different sites, considering what the customer wants and what is available.

"We are looking at Northallerton and Ripon and evaluating their potential."