THE keeper of North Yorkshire's most venerated fortress is handing over the keys on the anniversary of its monarch's birth.

Maureen Bush, of Northallerton, is retiring as custodian at Middleham Castle after 11 years.

The 800-year-old fortress, which became the stronghold of King Richard III, is one of the largest in England.

And having done her bit to protect the castle, Maureen will hand over the keys today, on the 550th anniversary of the king's birth.

She said: "It is easy to fall in love with the castle, because it is such a spectacular place with a marvellous history. Over the years, I have got to know people from as far a field as Australia and the US who are captivated by the story of Richard III and make annual pilgrimages.

"Although I'll miss the place, I will never be far away."

To mark the anniversary, the Society of Friends of Richard III are holding a service in All Saints Chapel, York Minister, at 6pm tonight.

Richard III was a great benefactor to the Minster - giving one of his coronation cloaks and a large cross studded with precious jewels.