OPPORTUNITIES presented by a £65,000 boost for sport in York are to be debated by city council chiefs on Friday.

The authority's executive will consider new initiatives, including efforts to generate fresh interest in rugby league and athletics.

Member for leisure and heritage, Councillor Alan Jones, said: "York is still very much a rugby city. At junior level, we have over 600 players and 27 teams in six clubs in addition to the local schools.

"We want to build on this great work - it's the key to future development of rugby league at all levels."

It is hoped a partnership with Nestle Rowntree could also see more cash made available for athletics.

Coun Jones said: "The aim is to get more opportunities available for people to participate.

"There is some great work going on out there, largely through the efforts of volunteers but, to some extent, they are being held back by lack of resources and poor facilities."