A CHESTER-le-Street man is about to embark on an expedition to South Africa to help scientists document wildlife.

Richard Graham, 64, flies out to South Africa in November, to help scientists with environmental charity Earthwatch collect data on insects living in the undergrowth.

It is the first such expedition for Mr Graham and he will be helping scientists conduct the first comprehensive survey of spiders, snails and other creepy crawlies.

The information will be used to improve bio-diversity conservation.

Mr Graham, of Red Rose Terrace, was awarded a £150 grant towards the cost of the trip from the Earthwatch Millennium Awards fund, which helps people aged 50 and over take part in international conservation projects.

On their return, the award winners draw up a community action plan.

This allows them to put their new experiences to work in the UK by working with local conservation volunteering projects.

The award scheme is funded by £1.3m of National Lottery money and is supported by the financial products firm Royal and Sun Alliance.