HOSPITALS in Darlington and South Durham are hoping to attract recruits at their annual careers job shop today.

Actress Louise Jameson, best known as Rosa Di Marco in EastEnders, will open the event at Darlington Memorial Hospital from 2pm to 8pm.

The job shop will focus on both immediate and future recruitment needs.

The initiative also hopes to attract those who might be considering returning to work in the NHS and people who may be deciding on a career change. Interactive stands, including a mock-up of an operation, will give visitors the opportunity of some hands-on experience.

Local representatives from many of the different jobs and careers available will also be on hand to share their experiences of working at a local hospital.

Angela Lamb, director of personnel, said: "The beauty of this campaign is that we can adapt individual job shops to suit individual local needs.

"For example, this year we would particularly like to attract D grade staff nurses, physiotherapists and radiographers."

She said: "Improved working practices are making today's NHS a better place to work with initiatives such as flexible, family-friendly hours, improved access to childcare and financial support during retraining.

"We want people to be able to fit their work around their lives and not the other way around.

"Meeting and talking with staff at the job shop will give them a chance to find out exactly what a particular job or career entails."