HUNDREDS of children in Hartlepool are to attend an event that will teach them about the dangers they may face in everyday life.

More than 1,300 pupils from 32 schools will be attending the town's seventh Crucial Crew project which will be staged at the information centre, in the grounds of Hartlepool Power Station, from Monday to FridayOctober 18.

Through thought-provoking workshops, youngsters will be taken through fire, kitchen and road safety. They will also learn about the dangers of coastal areas and of electricity. Railways, building sites, gardens and fireworks will also come under the spotlight.

Emma Tierney, a member of Hartlepool's Crucial Crew committee, said: "The aim is to provide an enjoyable way of teaching children to become more aware of personal safety. We also want to teach youngsters how to react to dangerous situations and to give them the opportunity to practise safety skills in an exciting, stimulating and safe environment."