Leadgate WI :MRS Walker extended a warm welcome to all, sick members were also remembered.

The theme was read by Mrs Emerson. Members were pleased to see secretary Mrs Hedley after her recent illness. The correspondence, newsletter and minutes were attended to. Mrs Moody gave the financial statement, also the proceeds from the coffee morning, which was most successful.

The speaker was Mr Kelly, with a talk entitled Paint Your House With Powdered Milk. He had various items on display and spoke about each one and members were able to pick up some handy tips. Mrs Buchan gave the vote of thanks.

After tea and biscuits Mrs Griffiths auctioned the gifts on the Harvest stall, which also proved successful. The competition, a tea towel, was won by Mrs Emerson, second Mrs Braim and third Mrs Richardson. The raffle was won by Mrs Marshall.

Consett Afternoon WI: THE September meeting was the Harvest Festival. Members brought fruit, vegetables, jam, cakes and tinned good to be auctioned. Everything was sold.

Members are all thrilled to hear Barbara Soulsby has had two photographs accepted for the WI 2003 calendar.

Barbara is a member of Consett Camera Club and a keen photographer.

The competition was for an arrangement of autumn leaves and was won by Mary Moffitt, with Linda Richardson, second and Joan Dance in third place. The raffle was also won by Joan Dance.