PLANS to remodel a busy junction in Hartlepool look set to be given the go-ahead.

The signal controlled junction at Hart Lane and Raby Road causes delays to traffic due to vehicles turning right.

Statistics also show that due to the traffic turning right a number of accidents have occurred.

Proposals for the junction are aimed at addressing these problems and a number of others including; traffic congestion, road danger, delays to bus services due to congestion and poor pedestrian facilities.

Consultation, which was recently carried out at a town centre exhibition, showed there were a lot of people opposed to the banning of right turns at the junction and a revised scheme has been created which now includes right turns for north and south bound traffic.

The proposals also include improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists as well as a new southbound bus stop.

The scheme will be funded through the Local Transport Plan at an estimated cost of £500,000.

Hartlepool Borough Council's regeneration and economy portfolio will meet on Thursday to discuss the plans.