ORGANISERS are hoping that an anti-drugs music festival hit the right chord with youngsters.

Twenty wannabe recording stars practised hard for a very public debut in Redcar High Street at the weekend.

All had taken advantage of confidence-building sessions, choreography, band management tips and personal tuition from a professional rapper, singer and dancer at a youth centre pop school.

The Redcar branch of Etam had also held special late night opening so that performers could choose outfits for their big day.

The aspiring stars stepped up to the microphone on what had been chosen as a Drug Awareness Day (DAD), organised by Redcar and Cleveland Council, Cleveland Police, youth and health agencies.

There were also steel bands from schools across the region and a visit from TFM breakfast show presenter Gregg Upwards.

Other fun activities included graffiti walls, giveaways and competitions. The event was sponsored by McDonalds.

DAD co-ordinator Margaret Moore of Redcar and Cleveland Council said: "Drugs affect every sector of the community and we all have a part to play in combating the problems they can cause."