THE latest development at one of the region's schools has been unveiled.

The library at Polam Hall School, Darlington, was opened on Friday by Peter Barron, editor of The Northern Echo.

Mr Barron unveiled a plaque in the library, which has been refurbished using funds from the school's Jubilee Year Appeal.

The fund has already paid for a new glass corridor at the school, and the school plans to further mark the jubilee with new science labs, sports courts and IT facilities.

Headteacher Helen Hamilton said: "I would like to thank everyone who has helped us with our Jubilee Year Appeal.

"I am delighted that yet another stage of the appeal has reached completion successfully.

"Our new library will provide the girls with more facilities and space to study, and I know it will get a lot of use in the future."

Following the opening of the library, Mr Barron presented more than 50 girls with prizes at the annual speech day.