PROPOSALS to revitalise three villages have been drafted as part of County Dur-ham's first Parish Plan.

The plan, covering Croxdale, Sunderland Bridge and Hett, was funded through the Countryside Agency's Vital Villages initiative.

It was drafted following consultations with residents, community groups and businesses, in which people were asked to identify the villages' strengths and weaknesses, and also to provide suggestions for their improvement.

The plan has been endorsed by Croxdale and Hett Parish Council, and it is hoped that it can be used to influence Durham city and county councils.

Among its most ambitious suggestions are a small-scale housing development to the rear of Front Street, in Croxdale Colliery; the redevelopment of the community centre in Croxdale with the addition of extra parking spaces; and the development of a comprehensive and integrated travel plan for all three communities, including the possible introduction of speed restrictions, adoption of back lanes, a car share scheme and traffic calming measures.

The plan also suggests that the provision of local services, such as shops and a post office, be looked into, as well as the provision of community activities.

Its short-term recommendations include the introduction of new community notice boards, the organisation of local litter pick and environmental improvement days, and the production of a leaflet on responsible dog ownership.

It concludes: "The overwhelming majority of residents are happy with where they live and are intending to stay in the area, but nevertheless recognise a variety of potential threats and shortcomings that will require action both to improve the quality of life and secure the long-term prosperous future of the community."

The plan will be followed by a parish map reflecting its findings.