Hartlepool United supporters tonight get their chance to show how much they want Chris Turner to stay at Victoria Park.

The Pool boss was disappointed on Tuesday when just 3,889 turned out to see his team extend their lead at the top of the table to five points.

And with Pool entertaining York tonight aiming to open up an eight-point advantage at the top, a bumper crowd could go a long way to convincing Turner his future remains at Victoria Park.

Turner's name has been thrust towards of top of the list of replacements for Terry Yorath following his departure from Sheffield Wednesday yesterday.

Turner was quickly installed as 4-1 second favourite for the job behind George Burley, after the former Ipswich boss turned down the vacant position at Stoke.

But last night he was 2-1 favourite following a flood of bets on the Pool boss.

And Hillsbrough chiefs could be poised to make an official approach for Turner in the next few days.

Turner last night refused to comment on the Wednesday job and insisted: "All I am concerned about is beating York, nothing else - but I hope the fans turn out in force.

"We are hoping for up to 6,000 - but we shouldn't be in this situation and asking them to come along.''

Chairman Ken Hodcroft hopes other North-East fans take a rare opportunity to watch some Friday night football.

He added: "We were a little disappointed by the size of the crowd on Tuesday, but we're hoping for a bumper turn-out. There are no other distractions so there shouldn't be any excuses.

"We're sitting five points clear at the top and Chris has the team playing excellent football. I would appeal not only to Hartlepool fans to come along, but it's an ideal opportunity for fans of other North-East teams to come and see us."

Turner, who will put new loan signing Brian Barry-Murphy on the bench, has to decide between Paul Arnison and Micky Barron at right-back. Barron was suspended for Tuesday's win and Arnison gave a man of the match display.

l With just two wins from 12 games, York yesterday signed Sunderland striker Michael Reddy on loan and he will start tonight.