A TOWN centre anti-crime initiative, launched by zero tolerance champion George Kelling, has begun to reap rewards.

Professor Kelling, who pioneered the Safe and Clean initiative in New York, launched the Middlesbrough Safer Shopping Scheme (MSSS) in June.

Now, five months on, police have reported an 18 per cent drop in crime in town centre shops.

This success led to 90 shops agreeing to sign up to the scheme on Monday.

The scheme, which began with only 19 members under its previous title Middlesbrough Against Street Crime (MASC), is open to town centre shops which pay £1 to join.

To join the scheme, retailers must prove they can share information and photographs of persistent shop-lifters and trouble-makers.

They must also employ security guards, have a security camera system and a secure room for confidential information.

Barbara Wren, town centre manager and chairman of MSSS, said: "We would like all stores to sign up to this scheme which provides a co-ordinated and focused effort based on shared intelligence.

"Our aim is to make a difference and to encourage a safe town to shop and work in."