A POT of gold awaited primary school pupils when they turned up for lessons yesterday.

Children at Eldon Lane Primary School were presented with commemorative coins in celebration of the Queen's golden jubilee.

The gifts were presented by members of Dene Valley Parish Council, who felt that all children of primary school age in the parish should have a keepsake to remind them of the special year.

Chairman of the parish council, Councillor Chris Foote Wood, said: "We have given out over 100 coins. The council wanted every child in the parish to have one.

"I think a lot of kids do keep them. I know I have still got my coronation mug.''

Headteacher of the school, Dorothy Hope revealed to the children that she, too, still possessed the mug to mark the coronation of Queen Elizabeth, which she was presented with as a child.

After the presentation she said: "I think it is absolutely wonderful. The children have been so excited, and this is something for them to keep to show their children and grandchildren."