CONTROVERSIAL plans to put boxes on lampposts for drug addicts' used needles will not go ahead without the approval of a town's residents.

The pledge from Middlesbrough Council follows an outcry in North Ormesby, Middlesbrough, where some residents threatened to tear the boxes down as soon as there were installed.

Health workers suggested the scheme to stop users dumping dirty needles on the streets, exposing the public to the risk of Aids and hepatitis.

But now the council has shelved the idea because residents fear the boxes would advertise the area as having a drug problem.

A spokesman for the council said: "There is no question of any drug bins being put up in North Ormesby and at this stage there are no plans to implement them anywhere else in Middlesbrough.

"The idea is still part of our long term drug strategy, but it will depend on the reaction of local people in other areas.''

Street wardens collected more than 800 discarded syringes from five wards in the town over just six months, according to a report by Councillor Barry Coppinger, executive member for law and order on the council.

Anyone finding a used syringe is asked to call the council on (01642) 245432.