PEOPLE are being asked to shop those who drop litter and fly-tippers who dump rubbish around Darlington.

A special telephone-line has been set up by Darlington Borough Council for people to report the names of fly-tippers and areas of the town that are plagued by litter.

The scheme was announced yesterday, at the launch of Darlington's anti-litter campaign with the slogan "Litter - it's in your hands. Don't drop it".

If an area is reported as being a litter hotspot, a council team will be sent to clear it up.

Patrols will then be made around the area to make sure it stays clean and anyone found fly-tipping will be fined.

Terry Collins, director of environmental services at the council, said: "We want people to let us know where the hotspots are in town - places where there is a lot of rubbish dumped - so we can send our team in to clean them up.

"We also want to know who is dumping these large amounts of rubbish. People should phone us and tell us who is doing it."

As part of the campaign, anyone seen dropping litter will be given an on-the-spot fine of £50. People who throw litter from cars will also be traced and fined.

Shops and businesses are being asked to help by providing litter bins outside their premises.

Any business that does not make efforts to clean up near its premises could be fined.

Four litter enforcement days will be held before Christmas, when uniformed wardens will be working with police to impose fines on people who drop litter.

They will be patrolling the town centre and outlying areas, including Firthmoor and Cockerton. Hotspots such as schools and parks will also be targeted.

Councillor John Williams, leader of the council, said: "We are asking people to be more responsible and not to drop litter. We want to challenge some people's views that it is OK to drop litter because the council will pick it up."

The Northern Echo is supporting the campaign to keep Darlington tidy.

The telephone number is (01325) 388777.