THERE is no doubt Myra Hindley was an evil woman and, on balance, probably deserved a 'true' life sentence.

What puzzles me is why she was so demonised that various Home Secretaries dared not release her.

There have been other killers who should have had 'true' life sentences, but have been released after approximately 15 years.

Should not allowing the military to indulge in state terrorism be subject to the same application of the law?

Double standards and breathtaking hypocrisy seem to be the order of the day and we are as guilty as any other country. - Hugh Pender, Darlington.

MYRA Hindley has died far younger than the normal age for women because of her smoking, so it would have been a painful demise.

One wonders how she managed to get enough money to buy expensive cigarettes and become a chain smoker.

This could be a lesson to learn. Now that capital punishment has been abandoned, could this be a way out of sentencing killers who have taken innocent lives? Get them all addicted to death drugs like nicotine and see them die a painful death.

There will be a saving if these child killers have an early death since they will not need feeding for several years. - E Reynolds, Wheatley Hill.

ARGUABLY, Myra Hindley ended up a reformed woman. She qualified for a taste of freedom before she died. There would have been a risk involved, but it could have been minimised with modern methods. Those lads who murdered young James Bulger are now out of jail and mingling with the public somewhere under assumed identities. - Alfred H Lister, Guisborough.


IS THERE a Churchill among our politicians who will ban foreign fishing boats from our waters?

While we were members of the ERM our pound was receiving a battering. No country in Europe came to our aid. The problem was solved by withdrawing from the organisation.

If our people are deprived of their fish suppers, as Europe suggests, it will cause unemployment and great unrest.

Let the few withdraw from their dreams of power in Europe and do their duty to the British people. Action is needed now to back our nation, including our fishermen. - DA Patton, Ferryhill.


I FEEL I must correct John Young (HAS, Nov 15). Many foxes are torn apart by hounds excited by the chase and suffer an agonising and prolonged death. These hounds will not wait round politely for a huntsman to despatch the quarry humanely.

To chase a fox to exhaustion is an inefficient and barbaric way of controlling foxes.

The people who go hunting call themselves animal lovers, and yet they say they will destroy their hounds and horses if hunting is banned.

Why not drag hunting? Or is it not so exciting without a kill? - F Rolfe, Crook.


I'M WITH J Robinson (HAS, Nov 20) on how dog walkers turn nature reserves and wildlife havens into dog toilets. Disgusting.

You can also add school playing fields, public footpaths, street verges... disgusting. Dog lovers maybe, but environment abusers too.

Some dog walkers collect their dog's poop in a bag from the school playing field and then tip it out in the rough edge of the same field. Disgusting.

In recent years Middlesbrough Council has introduced "dog exercise" enclosures in public parks and poop bag bins along open space walkways. In fairness, many dog walkers do use these, but the Blue Bell Beck area of Acklam and Brookfield is now littered with smashed up bins and filled poop bags hanging from trees! Disgusting.

There are the tons of scrap lager-can metal, including those lethal-to-wildlife ring-pulls, littering the same valley.

What was conceived by the former Middlesbrough County Borough Council in the 1960s as a delightful green wedge running between and through housing areas to provide welcome green relief is now abused to such a degree that decent local residents can't help but be disgusted with its present state. I wish Stainton Quarry well. It will need it. - Name and Address supplied, Acklam.


ANOTHER failed season has closed for Durham Cricket Club, not with a bang, but with a bizarre whimper.

How could the captain in the last championship match be an overseas professional, Brad Hodge, whom the club has rejected for next season, despite him being largely responsible for winning two of the few games in which he played?

What does this say for their much vaunted youth policy? No matter what Martyn Moxton says, it has been a most disappointing season for the members. The fact that we are to get a Test Match will not make up for yet another season of weekly uncompetitive defeats in 2003.

Get some real coaching for Ian Hunter this winter. Remember that, to date, playing for the Under 19s and attendance at the Academy has set our players back half a season and, for goodness sake, secure the services of a really good county class batsman. Otherwise it will be more of the same for Durham members; a season of disappointing team results interspersed by a few personal good performances while we prop up the tables. - T Craggs, Chester-le-Street.


TO ALL the ambulance and volunteer car drivers who collected, delivered and returned me during my five weeks' treatment at the James Cook University Teaching Hospital at South Tees, a big thank you. You made a difference and helped me through with your kindness, humour and understanding. - Name supplied, Northallerton.