TWO former lifeboatmen will be reunited with an old "friend" this week.

Ron Dixon, 91, spent the last of his 42 years as a lifeboatman serving as coxswain on the Redcar lifeboat, the Sir James Knott.

The boat, the town's last regular offshore lifeboat, now has pride of place at the Kirkleatham Hall Museum where David Phillipson, former head launcher and crewman on the vessel, works as a photographic technician.

During its 13 years of service, which ended in 1985, the lifeboat was launched 78 times and saved 63 lives. But it was then destined to be broken up until Mr Phillipson rescued it from a North Wales boatyard and the vessel returned to Teesside for restoration.

His partner, Jane Foreman, is responsible for a collection of slides, including many depicting lifeboat launches. They have been put together for a presentation when Mr Dixon and Mr Phillipson will recount their memories.

Mr Phillipson said: "We hope the slide show and the chance to talk to Ron and me will appeal to lots of people."

* The slide presentation takes place in the lifeboat house, next to the museum, on Thursday.