MEDIUM Gary Fowler has thrown down the gauntlet to renowned sceptic James Randi over predictions for the outcome of Celebrity Big Brother.

US-based Randi, who appears on BBC's Horizon tomorrow to challenge the authenticity of homeopathic medicine, has put up a $1m prize for anyone who can prove psychic or supernatural ability. Now, Teesside-born Gary says his prediction over the winner of the Channel 4 show will prove his psychic ability.

The winner's name was delivered in a sealed envelope last Tuesday - before even the names of the six celebrities to enter the house had been announced.

It has been kept unopened in a safe in The Northern Echo office.

Gary has also written predictions for the duration of the show, which ends on Friday.

His forecast for today is:

Wednesday is a little bit more optimistic again. Things will pick up in the house in the morning, still a bit of nerves as the final day draws close, but more optimism and a lot more openness.

People are starting to open up and realise that they need try and pull together as they feel as though they are drifting apart. It will be a time of bonding.

Also a little bit of upset and anxiety today. The cooking doesn't seem to be going to right today, people don't seem to be eating, something is wrong.

* You can follow Gary Fowler's predictions during Celebrity Big Brother in The Northern Echo, or log on to www.garyfowler. com/bigbrother