PEOPLE living in Ryedale have been asked to give ten minutes of their time to make a difference to their future.

Councils, agencies and organisations have joined forces with the view of developing the area, by improving service delivery and contributing to its economic, social and environmental well-being.

Ryedale District Council want to get an impression how local people view their future before developing initiatives with the help of the Police, Primary Care Trust, community groups and the County Council.

Ten minute conversations with residents, voluntary sector representatives and business owners hope to provide the vision and the foundation for building a community strategy for Ryedale.

Marie-Ann Jackson, the council's assistant chief executive, said: "The council is taking the lead on developing a vision for Ryedale so that we can improve local quality of life and plan to effectively address local priorities."

Anyone wanting to influence the way that public services are being planned is asked to call 0800 7832245.