BRASS bands, stilt walkers and drummers will join this year's Darlington Lantern Parade on Friday, December 13.

Schoolchildren from Gurney Pease, Sadberge, St Augustine's, Corporation Road, St Bede's and Beaumont Hill schools are busy making their lanterns on this year's theme, Lighting Up The World.

Helped by art production company Bravura their designs include Russian dolls, the Taj Mahal and windmills.

Bollywood Brass Band and drummers from Skerne Park primary school will be providing entertainment. Local group the Baghdaddies will entertain shoppers in the Market Place from 6pm.

The lantern parade will leave the Arts Centre in Vane Terrace at 6.30pm and go through the town centre arriving at the Market Place at 7pm. Entertainment will resume in the square from 7.30pm onwards.