THE Wellington Square Development Company has applied to Stockton Borough Council for permission to use the Square's car park for a Sunday car boot sale, or market, from 9am to 5pm each week.

TEMPORARY CLOSURE: The reference library at Hartlepool Central Library will be closed while improvement works are carried out next week. However, a limited amount of reference material will be available from the ground floor, which will remain open. The reference library will re-open at 9.30am on Monday, December 16.

MUSIC NIGHT: Hartlepool Borough Council's sheltered housing wardens will be performing show songs in front of 550 people at The Mayfair Centre, Seaton Carew, on Monday. The wardens will also perform the show for people with special needs from Warren Road Day Centre later in the month.

BOOK CLUB: A children's book club will be launched at Redcar Library on Wednesday, at 3.30pm. Aimed at junior school pupils, the club will be run on a trial basis and activities include reviewing books, listening to stories, and playing word games.

WALKWAY CAROLS: The choir from Galley Hill Primary School, Guisborough, will sing outside the visitor centre at the Guisborough Forest and Walkway, Pinchinthorpe, on Sunday, December 15, at 11am and 1pm.

DEAF AWARENESS: Anyone wanting to learn more about deafness can join a ten-week course at the Redcar Adult Education Centre. It will meet on Friday afternoons, from January 17, and costs £13. For more details, call (01642) 475397.

DIET COURSE: A ten-week dieting course is being launched in Redcar. It will meet from 6.30pm to 8pm, on Wednesdays, from January 15 and costs £13. For more details, call (01642) 475397.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Music and carols will be performed at Our Lady and St Bede School, Stockton, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tickets to the Stockton Stage Society event cost £3.50.

COFFEE MORNING: Guisborough Cruse Bereavement Care will hold a coffee morning and tombola at Sunnyfield House, Guisborough, next Saturday, from 9.30am to noon.

CHRISTMAS FAIR: A fair will be held at St Albans School, Yew Tree Avenue, Redcar, tomorrow, at 1pm.