GRIEVING relatives will be helped to come to terms with the death of a loved one with a new bereavement support team at two hospitals.

Donna Fairhurst and Susanne Law have been appointed as bereavement support officers at the University Hospitals of North Tees, in Stockton, and Hartlepool respectively.

To help reduce anxiety and distress, the two specialists will support relatives through various processes such as funeral arrangements and coroner's investigations.

They will also escort relatives to view their deceased relations and introduce them to hospital chaplains and counselling services.

Ms Law said: "The death of a loved one can often be an administrative nightmare for relatives and this only adds to the pain and confusion they are already experiencing.

"This new role is designed to ease as many of those stresses as possible and enable families to continue with the grieving process."

Both hospitals now have dedicated bereavement rooms and are hoping to introduce a bereavement pack for families early next year.