PLANS for a hot food takeaway on a Newton Aycliffe Industrial Estate are likely to be turned down.

Sedgefield Borough Council has received an application to change an industrial unit in Burtree Road into a takeaway restaurant.

But planning officers have raised concerns about a lack of parking around the proposed development.

A report to members said: "The amount of traffic which would be generated by such a use is impossible to accurately gauge, although it is likely to be more than that generated by a small industrial unit, particularly around lunchtime.

"The shared nature of the forecourt and service road is likely to cause problems because of parking associated with adjoining units being used for the takeaway."

The report adds that Durham County Council parking guidelines suggest at least five spaces would be required, but the unit only has two.

Officers conclude that cars would probably park on the nearby road, affecting road safety and the flow of traffic.

The application will be discussed by members of the council's development control committee today, when officers are expected to recommend that it is refused.